How To Keep Wicker Baskets From Drying Out?
How to keep wicker baskets from drying out? Wicker baskets are prone to drying out and becoming brittle over time, especially when exposed to sunlight and dry conditions. To keep wicker baskets in good condition and prevent them from drying out, consider the following tips:
  1. Avoid Sunlight: Direct sunlight can accelerate the drying process and cause wicker to become brittle. Keep your wicker baskets away from windows or areas with intense sunlight.
  2. Humidity Control: Wicker tends to dry out in low humidity environments. If possible, maintain a consistent level of humidity in the room where your baskets are stored. You can use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  3. Regular Cleaning: Dust and debris can contribute to the deterioration of wicker. Clean your baskets regularly with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner attachment to remove any dirt or dust that may settle on the surface.
  4. Moisture Barrier: Consider placing a small bowl of water or a damp cloth inside the basket to create a microclimate with slightly higher humidity. Be cautious not to make the basket too damp, as excessive moisture can also cause issues.
  5. Occasional Moisturizing: Apply a small amount of furniture polish or linseed oil to a soft cloth and gently rub it onto the wicker surface. This helps to moisturize the material and keep it supple. Be sure to test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure compatibility.
  6. Store Indoors: If possible, store wicker baskets indoors in a cool, dry place. Avoid placing them in attics, basements, or other areas with extreme temperature and humidity fluctuations.
  7. Rotate and Flip: If your wicker baskets are used for storage, rotate and flip them occasionally. This helps distribute any weight placed on them and prevents one side from drying out more than the other.
  8. Protect from Extreme Conditions: Avoid exposing wicker baskets to extreme temperatures and humidity. If you need to use them outdoors, choose weather-resistant varieties or bring them inside during severe weather conditions.

By taking these precautions and providing proper care, you can help extend the life of your wicker baskets and prevent them from drying out and becoming brittle.