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Chủ đề: Thời "bão giá"

  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết

    Thời "bão giá"

    Sáng nay đi làm chưa kịp ăn sáng ở nhà. Gần cty có chổ bán bánh cuốn, thấy quán ăn bình dân ghé ăn: 1đĩa bánh ướt gồm: vài miếng bánh ướt, 1 chén nước mắm (kê vô cho đông vui) ^^, 3 miếng chả, 1 đĩa rau..hết..ăn không ngon gì hết á....vậy mà khi tính tiền 25k...ăn sáng roài mà tự nhiên thấy đau ruột :-((

    Có bác bào bị "chém" đẹp hơn e không? híc híc. Chắc ở nhà ăn mì tôm, cơm nguội thui ^^

  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết
    Ðề: Thời "bão giá"

    Hôm nay đi làm buồn ơi làm buồn...bị mất 950k và 1 thẻ ACB 1900k và quan trọng là mất CMND nên hok có rút tiền ra đc....tự trách mình bất cẩn hay cho là " của đi thay người" híc híc..đã nghèo mà mất xiền nưa...:cry7::cry7::cry7::301:

  3. #3
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    Ðề: Thời "bão giá"

    A lucky day
    "Ah... What a lovely day
    and I had a good sleep last
    night," I said. It was a
    sunny day. I checked the
    time to get ready to go to
    school. I took a big deep
    breath and felt relaxed.
    "Ah, just in time," I said as
    I walked to the bathroom
    and washed and brushed
    my teeth slowly. I
    thought it took only
    about 10 minutes.
    I checked the time again
    and it was already 7:05. I
    said, "Oh my god! I'm late
    for school! I'm dead!" My
    teacher would send me to
    the principal, as usual.
    Then, she would call my
    mom. My mom would kill
    me. So I rushed
    downstairs and ate my
    breakfast as fast as a
    gunshot. Suddenly, there
    was a bus horning madly
    outside my house. I
    stuffed my breakfast into
    my mouth and ran to the
    I ran to a seat without
    looking at anybody. I
    didn't say, "Hello," to my
    mates. They greeted me
    but I ignored them. When
    I reached my seat, I
    looked down and saw
    something strange. I
    hadn't worn my socks or
    shoes! I was wearing
    sandals! I said to myself,
    "I'm dead!" I wanted to
    check if it was a dream so
    I slapped my face and
    looked at my feet again
    but I wasn’t dreaming. It
    was real.
    When I reached school,
    nobody was wearing
    socks. I said to myself,
    "They are weird. Maybe
    they will also get into
    trouble," I giggled to
    myself. I went into the
    classroom. My teacher
    looked at my sandals but
    he said nothing. I went to
    my desk and said, "Good
    morning!" to my teacher.
    The teacher asked me,
    "What did you wear for
    Free Socks Day?"
    I said, "I wore none. I'm
    "No, today is Free Socks
    Day," the teacher said.
    I felt really lucky, luckier
    than you can imagine. I
    went to recess and played
    soccer. I played better
    than usual. That day was
    my luckiest day



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